Electrical engineering interview preparation E-Book | electrical engineering interview question answer

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This is very important E-book for every electrical engineer . Because this book have 500 electrical engineering related question answer this question must ask in private job interview. And every electrical engineer must have this basic knowledge so please buy this book and increase your electrical engineering knowledge

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50 question answer for book demo

Q 1-Due to which of the following properties of a conductor does it pass
Q 2-Inside a hollow conductor sphere electric field
Ans=is zero
Q 3-if an atom loses one are more electrons it becomes
Ans=Electrically positive
Q 4-The condition in ohms law is that
Ans=The temperature should remain constant
Q 5-What required to remove static electricity from machinery
Ans= grounding the framework has to be donebe
Q 6-In any electric circuit the flow of electrons constitutes
Ans=An electric current
Q 7-The law used to determine the force between two current carrying
conductor is
Ans=Bio-savarts law
Q 8-Normally all atoms are electrically
Q 9-Unit of charge is
Q 10-The direction of conventional current flow is
Ans=Opposite to flow of electron

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Q 11-Silver is a
Ans=Good conductor
Q 11-The rating of a fuse wire is always expressed in
Q 12-when temperature increases then resistance of conductor
Q 13-Earth potential is taken as
Q14-In street lights bulbs are connected
Ans=In parallel
Q 15-The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to it’s
Ans=Cross sectional areaarea
Q 16-A closed switch has a resistance off
Q 17-When to resistance are connected in series they have
Ans=Same current passing through them
Q 18-with the rise in temperature the resistance of carbon
Q 19-The curve representing ohm’s low is
Ans=Sine functions
Q 20-In a parallel circuit

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Ans=Voltage is same
Q 21-At balance Wheatstone bridge galvanometer shows
Ans = null deflection
Q 22-The resistance of perfect insulator is
Q 23-The unit of resistivity is
Q 24-A specific resistance of a conductor depends upon
Ans=Composition the conductor
Q 25-Insulating materials have the function of
Ans=Preventing a short circuit between conducting wire
Q 26-In a circuit containing two unequal register’s connected in parallel
Ans=The voltage drop across both the resistance will be same
Q 27-A short circuit is that which
Ans=Offers very low resistance path for current to flow
Q 28-Wire will give greater Resistance
Q 29-for a dc voltage an inductor
Ans=Is virtually a short Circuit
Q 30-Electron-volt is the unit of

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Q 31-Registivity of a wire depends on
Q 32-The S I units of power is
Q 33-Conductance is reciprocal of
Q 34-With rise in temperature the resistance of semi-conductor
Q 35-With rise in temperature the resistance of pure metals
Q 36-An instrument which detects electric current in known as
Ans= galvanometer
Q 37-What happense to the resistance of a conductor if it’s length is increased 3
times and diameter is halved
Ans=Resistance is increased 12 Time
Q 38-The time rate of blow up electric charge part a given point is known as
Q 39-Ampere hour is the unit of
Ans=quantity of elelectricity
Q 40-three 60 Watt bulbs In parallel across the 60 Volt power line if one well
burns open
Ans=The other 2 bulbs will lights
Q 41-A 3 ohm’s resister with 2Acurrent will dissipate power of
Q 42-Insulating materials have the function of
Ans=preventing a short circuit between conducting wires
Q 43-Kirchhoff’s law is applicable to
Ans=Booth AC as well DC circuits
Q 44-An ideal voltage source should have
Ans=Zero source Resistance
Q 45-The purpose of load in an electric circuit is to
Ans=Utilise electrical energy
Q 46-The emf of a cell depends Upon
Ans=Electrolyte and electrode of the cell
Q 47-In a charged capacitor the energy is stored In
Ans=The field between the plates
Q 48-Capacitors are said to
Ans=block DC and pass AC
Q 49-The capacitor stores 0.12 coulomb’s at 5 volts its capacitance is
Q 50-A dielectric material must be

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